Freitag, 18. Dezember 2009

Feliz Navidad y bueno año nuevo

I have given up on posting bilingual, its too much work and since everyone I know speaks pretty good English as well I will continue in English and maybe from time to time in German.

Christmas is drawing closer and also the excitement of going home to see family and friends back in Germany. Escaping unheated houses and the occasional cockroach. Coming home to cold temperatures, Christmas markets, hot wine, chocolate and down time.
Time to resume a bit over the past 3 months spent in Elche, Spain.

Erasmus has been a wild ride: meeting lots of different people, going to the beach in november, eating in the middle of the night and for that matter not sleeping much...First the language class in September, not understanding much, struggling signing up for classes, then actual Uni started, slowly improving, making friends, bonding with spanish culutre, lots of dinners, trips to Valencia, Murcia, Barcelona, San Pedro...
FAQs aquí en Elx: people speak Valenciano (mix of castellano and cataln); dogs here are rarely cute, more like ugly, mostly fast and tiney but harmless and very laid back like their owners; dont stress dont rush, things will work out somehow but dont expect them to rapidly; Gestures make up for the lack of language proficiency and everyone is very helpful; houses dont have heating systems and are not built proberly entonces it gets more freezing inside than outside at times; DO NEVER STEP on a COCKROACH, those things are all over...Tapas are amazing I recommend patatas bravas, calamares, queso frito and chupitos for after.

I wish everyone a peaceful christmas-season and a happy new year!!!!

PS a little video made in Barcelona

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